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BANETO BOT CheatFor World Of Warcraft

How to purchase cheat?

Looking to level up quickly in World of Warcraft without the hassle of endless grinding? Look no further than our all-in-one bot tool, featuring functions like grinding, questing, gathering, battlegrounds, dungeons, fight rotations, and more!

Our bot tool includes over 300 free profiles for grinding, making it easy to level up your character quickly and efficiently. With an easy-to-use profile creator and video guides, you'll be leveling up like a pro in no time.

If questing is more your style, our tool includes 1 to 12 Startzone Questers for all races, as well as a 12-30 Quester. And if gathering is what you need, our bot tool works with all 3 gather professions and includes free profiles to get you started.

But that's not all - our tool also includes battlegrounds with different modes, dungeons for 5 man teams, mage boosting, and even pickpocketing. And with fight rotations that work with all classes of WoW and auto prospecting & milling, you'll have all the tools you need to succeed.

If you're looking to farm gold, our bot tool includes goldfarming profiles for free and efficient flying navigation. Plus, our tool features unique drag & drop rotation builder called NoRotations (NoRo) and a profile editor to create quest, gather, and grinding profiles, as well as crafting lists.

Our tool also includes security features like spot randomization and whisper logging, as well as a working flightmaster travel and Discord & Phone connection. And with a growing community and Youtube videos to explain the bot's features and how to use it properly, you'll have all the support you need to succeed.

So why wait? Our bot tool supports the RETAIL Shadowlands and CLASSIC Clients, making it the perfect tool to take your WoW gameplay to the next level!

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To pay:
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To accept terms of use
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System Requirements
Do I get unlocker?
Yes you will get BOT + Unlocker for 1 month
Game anticheat
Supported CPU:
Intel & AMD
Supported OC:
Windows 10 All builds, Windows 11


  • Grinding, includes over 300 free profiles! + Easy profile creator + video guides
  • Questing, includes 1 to 12 Startzone Questers for all races + 12-30 Quester
  • Gathering, works with all 3 gather professions, free profiles included
  • Battlegrounds, all battlegrounds with different modes included for free
  • Dungeons, mage boosting, 5 man dungeons, all included free! + Pickpocketing
  • Fightrotations, works with all classes of wow + Auto Prospecting & Milling
  • Fully Automated Fishing Bot! (Skill, Swarm and Spot Fishing) + Baits
  • Profile-Editor to create Quest, Gather and Grinding Profiles + Crafting Lists
  • Traveling-Feature, easy to travel through azeroth with our preset locations
  • Goldfarming Profiles included for free + efficient flying navigation
  • Ticketsystem on discord for fast and organized support!
  • Security Features like Spot Randomization and Whisper Logging
  • Working Flightmaster Travel included! + Discord & Phone Connection
  • A small but growing and helpful community!
  • Youtube videos to explain the bots features & how to use it properly.
  • Supports the RETAIL Shadowlands and CLASSIC Clients!
  • Unique Drag & Drop Rotation builder called: NoRotations (NoRo)