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FISHING BOT CheatFor World Of Warcraft

How to purchase cheat?

I bring to your attention a bot for fishing in World of Warcraft. This is an author’s bot, therefore buying a bot from us you are guaranteed 100% support and elimination of any bugs and defects of the bot as soon as possible. The bot is constantly being modernized, new functions and capabilities are added to it. Our program does not make any injections into the memory of the game, nor does it use Protectred Lua. The principle of operation of the programs is based on a graphical analysis of the screen and pressing buttons, so their use is as safe as possible, however, you must remember that the use of third-party programs is contrary to the rules of blizzards, therefore, when launching the program, you must fully understand the possibility of applying sanctions in the form of blocking an account on their part .

Out of stock
To pay:
Out of stock
To accept terms of use
Consent to processing personal data
System Requirements
Game anticheat
Supported game modes:
Supported CPU:
Intel & AMD
Supported OC:
Windows 10

WoW Fish can:

  • fish on WoW Classic and WoW Retail
  • attach lure to bobber
  • fish for a specific period of time
  • delete unnecessary trash item from inventory (needs a small configuration)
  • open object from inventory (needs a small configuration)
  • integrate with Telegram allowing you to reply in-game says and whispers as well as request in real time screenshots and manage bot remotely (needs a small configuration)
  • use hearthstone
  • logout and quit game
  • shutdown computer

You can leave the bot overnight and in the morning your bags will be GUARANTEED full of fish.
